Strengthening Families

The CCSDTN’s community outreach program will begin offering “Strengthening Families” again this Fall! Classes begin on Sept. 11 at Faith Community Church (across from CMS) from 5-7 p.m.

This is a fantastic 12-week program for the whole family. Why 12 weeks? Research suggests, that is the time that is needed to replace poor or bad habits / choices with better ones. That is the time needed to bond and build relationships.

There will be a FREE meal every Monday Night from 5 to 5:30 p.m. for those families that attend. Families are encouraged to attend each weekly session. Families unable to arrive in time for dinner, will be asked to go directly to class. Their meal will be boxed up and bagged for the family to take home as class time is the priority (5:30 - 7:00 p.m.) with some exceptions of course.

Families will work on conflict resolution, making good choices, addressing difficult topics and conversations, how to have, and the importance of, family meetings, setting goals as a family, and even how to have FUN as a family on a budget!

This program has received rave reviews from both parents and students that have attended.

For program enrollment or more information contact:
Brittany Ballard @ 615-906-1169
Claudette Fizer @ 615-403-8124